Here’s What To Consider


‍Before you put your house up for sale, it’s important to think ahead when it comes to changing the look of your home. To attract more potential buyers, you need to make sure your house looks its best.

But, is it worth decorating your house before you sell? The answer depends on you and your home. If you’re in a hurry to sell, yes, go ahead and spruce up the exterior. You’ll get more buyers looking at your house. After all, no one wants to buy a rundown house that hasn’t been properly maintained.

A well-decorated house will get more offers than an unadorned one. Indeed, buyers spend longer looking at a home with nicely decorated rooms or yard than they do at a plain white box with no windows or outside design elements. 

There’s no harm in changing things up now and again either – especially if it means helping to raise the price of your home so that you can sell sooner rather than later. The good news is that there are several ways you can spruce up the appearance of your home without having to spend a lot of money. 

We’ll discuss how you can make changes to your home before selling to sell it faster and receive top money for it. Check out the following information before reading on.


Check the market before decorating

Before you spend time and money on decorating your house for sale, you need to check the market. 

There are a few ways to do this. You can ask your Realtor which homes they have listed in the neighbourhood that have been recently sold. 

If you’re selling your home on your own, you can check the sales in your area by searching the MLS listings. You’re looking for transactions in the last few months that have resulted in offers above the asking price. If you find a few, you can see which were the highest and lowest. You may find that one of the offers was much higher or lower than the rest. The reason for this could be many things including how much the seller was asking or how high the demand was for that area at the time.


What should you change?

You can change a lot of things when it comes to decorating your house before you sell: the colours of the walls and furniture; the style of windows, doors and flooring in the kitchen and the bathroom; the paint colours on the walls and the ceiling; artwork on the walls and the furniture inside. 

You can also change the style of your furniture – from modern to traditional to a more eclectic mix. One of the best ways to improve the look of your home before you sell is to update the landscaping. 

If your house has a front porch or backyard patio, add shrubs and flowers. If not, you can add a few pots filled with colourful flowers. You can also install a bench or two, a fountain or even a swing set. 

All of these small decorating changes will greatly improve the curb appeal of your house and make it look more inviting and welcoming.

Here are more factors to consider:

  • Showcase your home’s best features

When it comes to decorating your home for sale, the first step is to identify what makes it unique. What are the top features of your house? If you live in a desirable neighbourhood, it’s important to highlight these. 

If you have a nice backyard or a deck, be sure to highlight it so a potential buyer can see it. 

When decorating your home, you can also add some personal touches to help make it more appealing to potential buyers. One way to do this is to put up a picture of you and your family or friends. 

You can also add some decorations that reflect your styles, such as art that you’ve created or décor that reflects your favourite movies or books. These touches can help make your home more appealing to potential buyers, giving them a more personal experience when touring the property.

Update your lighting

Another thing you can do to make your home more appealing is to upgrade your lighting. If your home is dark, it can make it seem old and run down. 

Investing in some new lighting fixtures can make a huge difference, especially if there are dark spots throughout your home. This is a simple way to update your home without spending a lot of money. 

There are many ways you can improve your lighting if you need some help. You can install new ceiling fans, or hang lamps around the house to make it look more inviting. You can also try installing some new fixtures around the house. This can help brighten up dark corners and help make it seem more modern and appealing. 

You can also change the way your lights are set up. In some rooms, you can place the lights on a dimmer switch so they can be adjusted to suit the time of day. This is a quick and easy way to create the right amount of light.

  • Bring in new artwork and decor

If your home is outdated, it can make it look old, dated, and rundown. One way to make your home look more appealing is to add new artwork and decorative items. You can use them to draw attention to certain areas of your home, such as your front door, your kitchen, or your family room. 

Some decor items such as vases, candles, or wall hangings can also be used to add some appeal to your home. You can also try adding some new scent to your home, such as a potpourri or pot of tea. These small changes can make a big difference when it comes to decorating your home for sale.

  • Add a fresh coat of paint

A fresh coat of paint can add a lot of appeal to a home, especially if your home is outdated or in need of some sprucing up. Painting your home can help make it look newer, cleaner, and less run down. You can choose to paint your house in one colour, or you can paint it with a variety of colours to spice things up. Depending on the style of home you have, you can paint it in a neutral colour such as white, grey, black, or dark brown. By painting your home in a fresh colour, you enable it to feel new and modern. 

Painting your home can also help you sell your home faster, as potential buyers will be more likely to tour your home if it looks nicer. You can hire a painter for a small fee to paint your home. Depending on the size of your home, this may be a quick and easy way to spruce things up. 

You can also try painting your home yourself. Painting your home yourself can be a great way to save money. If you have experience painting, it may be easier to paint your home yourself rather than hiring a painter. By painting your home, you can make it feel more inviting and welcoming. Painting your home in a fresh colour can also help it look more modern and appealing to buyers.

  • Freshly mowed lawns and gardens

One quick way to spruce up your home for sale is to have your lawn mowed and your garden planted. These simple changes can help make your home look more appealing and welcoming. 

Having your lawn mowed and your garden planted can also help improve the curb appeal of your home. This is important because it shows potential buyers what you have going on at home, and it also helps to keep your home looking nice and neat. 

  • Wrapped on porch or patio

If your home has a porch or patio, you can try adding a few decor items to help it feel cosier and inviting. 

You can hang some patio lights around your porch, or add a few potted plants to help soften the look of your patio. Hanging some lanterns or using a table and chairs can also help make your porch feel more inviting. 

You can also wrap your porch or patio in some new rugs or fabric. This can help soften the look of the structure and make it seem less rigid. You can also add some decorative items around your porch, such as planters, ornaments, or potted plants. These small changes can make a big difference when it comes to decorating your home for sale.

  • Don’t forget the exterior

One thing that you should not forget when decorating your home is the exterior. This is important, as it’s the first impression your home will give to a potential buyer. 

By making sure your home looks its best, you give potential buyers a better idea of what they’re getting. It’s worth taking the time to make sure your house is clean and tidy. This will help to draw attention to it, rather than detract from it. 

It’s also worth making sure your home is clean and well-maintained. This will help to give it a polished and elegant appearance. It’s also worth making sure your home is properly fenced in, has a good roof and foundation, and is plumb and tight. This will help to make your home appear sturdy and dependable.


When is it worth decorating?

A room that’s not used very often, like the dining room or the mudroom, is probably best left as is. But a living room, family room or bedroom that’s being used frequently, like every day, should be decorated. 

You should also change the decor in your house before you sell if you’ve had several open houses or showings. If you’ve had more potential buyers in your home than you’d normally expect, then you may want to spruce things up a bit.


Does it have to be completely new?

Many decorating experts will tell you to completely redo your house before you sell. While it’s a great suggestion, if you want to sell your home as quickly as possible, you don’t have to completely redo the interior of the house. You only have to make small cosmetic changes. You can repaint the walls, change the flooring and change the decor. Change light fixtures and throw rugs too.


Which rooms are worth spending more time on?

If you’ve only had one or two showings at your home, you may want to consider changing the decor in the living room and the kitchen. These are the rooms that potential buyers spend the most time in, and you can change things up here to make it look more inviting. 

You can add a new rug, change the furniture, kitchen fixtures or wall art and add a fireplace to make the room look cosier. 

If you’ve had more showings, you can also consider changing the decor in the family room or master bedroom. Both are likely to be used frequently by the family and guests.


Let’s wrap it up

Before you put your home up for sale, it’s important to make sure it looks its best. You can spruce up your home’s appearance by painting the exterior, adding a fresh coat of paint to your roof, and mowing your lawn before you put your house up for sale. These simple changes can make a big difference in the appeal of your home, helping to sell it faster. 

Once your home is in tip-top shape, it’s now time to find a real estate agent and sell it!