How To Get The Perfect Glow?

The changing weather and cooler temperatures of the fall season signal it’s time to protect your skin from the elements. Losing moisture from sweat, wind, and water can leave your skin feeling parched and tight. 

Keeping your skin hydrated is especially important in the autumn as the days grow shorter and humidity levels drop. The cooler weather signals that you should hydrate more than usual, and we all know what keeps us hydrated: clean, clear water! It’s also a great time to focus on protecting your skin against environmental aggressors. 

As a result, it’s important to implement a few simple strategies to keep your skin healthy and radiant all year round. Luckily, protecting your skin isn’t as daunting as you might think. 

With a few easy tips, you can keep your complexion glowing all year long. When it comes to protecting your skin, here are 5 easy tips you can follow in autumn.


1. Stay hydrated

When it comes to hydration, it’s all about balance – not too little and not too much. 

Stay hydrated by drinking water-rich beverages like lemon water, green tea, and squash water. You can also add water-rich fruits and vegetables to your daily diet such as apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach. Try using micellar water or oil-based cleanser to remove any excess oil and debris from your pores for skin cleansing.

2. Eat antioxidant-rich foods

Eating the right foods is essential for a healthy and radiant complexion. That’s because different foods contain different types of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that are important for healthy skin. 

To help protect your skin from the sun, a diet high in fruits and vegetables is a great start. These superfoods are also rich in antioxidants that are powerful anti-ageing agents. Vitamin A, C, and E are three antioxidant-rich foods you can add to your daily diet. 

Vitamin A is an essential antioxidant that helps promote skin elasticity. It also has anti-ageing properties that can help combat fine lines and wrinkles. This antioxidant is responsible for promoting a healthy complexion and reducing the risk of skin cancers. 

Vitamin C is another powerful antioxidant that helps boost your skin’s natural defence system. This means your skin is less likely to develop skin cancers caused by the sun’s UV rays.

3. Protect your skin from UV rays

UV rays are responsible for causing skin damage, wrinkles, and even skin cancers. Keeping your skin safe from the sun’s harmful UV rays requires a few precautions. When outside for extended periods, protect your skin with sunscreen. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t skimp on the amount you apply. It’s best to use enough sunscreen to cover all exposed areas such as your face, neck, arms, and legs.

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is an indicator of how long it will take for your skin to be exposed to the sun’s damaging rays. For example, an SPF 15 sunscreen protects your skin from up to 93% of the sun’s UV rays.

It’s important to apply sunscreen every day when going outside. The best way to ensure you get the right amount of SPF is to use sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Your skin’s natural oil levels will vary based on climate, humidity, and season, which is why it’s important to check the label. 

4. Exfoliate regularly

While your skin is the largest organ in your body, it’s also the most delicate. That’s why it’s important to keep it clean and exfoliated. Regularly exfoliating your skin removes any buildup of dead skin cells and helps remove any impurities from your pores. 

To avoid any skin damage, follow a mild exfoliating routine that’s been tested on sensitive skin. You can use an exfoliating cleanser, face wash, or scrub to gently slough off any impurities from your pores.

5. Get a facial once a week

A facial isn’t just for ageing faces. While your skin may be more sensitive in the autumn compared to the spring or summer, it’s never too early to treat yourself to a facial treatment. 

A facial is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day. It’s also a great way to treat yourself to pampering. 

While there are many facial products on the market, it’s important to keep in mind what type of treatment you want. For example, consider getting an exfoliating treatment, an antioxidant treatment, a clay mask, or a peel to help boost your skin’s natural defence system.

6. Add in a mist or bath

There are a few things you can do to make sure your skin is protected and moisturized all autumn long. For starters, you can add in a mist or a bath with one of your favourite essential oils. Not only will this help to hydrate your skin, but it can also help to calm and relax you as well. 

Another product you can add is a lightweight moisturizer. During the autumn/winter months, your skin is more likely to be dry and sensitive. A lightweight moisturizer is perfect for this time of year as it doesn’t contain any heavy oils that can clog your pores. Instead, it is packed with antioxidants and essential vitamins that are perfect for dry skin.

7. Get some sun

While the weather might be colder than usual, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get some sun. The sun is packed full of vitamin D, which is essential for your skin. As the weather gets colder, your skin loses its ability to produce vitamin D, meaning it can become more susceptible to ageing and skin cancer. Sunlight can also help to reduce redness and improve your skin’s texture. 

So, go out into the sunshine and get some vitamin D! You can also try applying sun cream to your skin while you’re out in case it’s too sunny to go outside. Sun is essential to our health and well being. We need to expose our skin to the rays to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is necessary for healthy skin.

8. Protect your skin from the wind

The cold air is a great way to start your day – but it can also be one of the most harmful things to your skin. The dry, crisp air is a major cause of skin damage, and it can be especially harmful if you’re outdoors for long periods without a coat or gloves. 

That’s why, in the fall, you should protect your skin from the wind. Doing so will help to keep your skin hydrated, even if you’re outside for long periods. To do this, try to stay indoors as much as possible. This will protect your skin from the wind, as well as keep you warm. When you need to go outside, try to wear a jacket, a scarf, gloves, or boots.

9. Don’t forget to sleep

Your skin also needs to be able to sleep at night. When you aren’t able to get enough sleep, your skin becomes more susceptible to breakouts and wrinkles. So, don’t forget to make time for Zzz’s! 

Make sure you have comfortable bedding, dim lighting and a relaxing soundtrack. Keeping your skin nourished will help you to look and feel your best.


The bottom line

The colder months are here and you need to be prepared for the dry air, dark skies and even darker skin. To prevent dry skin, you should moisturize your skin daily, apply sunscreen, wear gloves when shovelling, and wear a hat that covers your head. You should also drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. 

With these tips in mind, your skin can stay hydrated and protected all year round. It’s important to protect your skin from the elements. When it gets cold outside, the air becomes drier and cooler, which can make your skin more susceptible to redness and irritation. 

Keep in mind that skincare products can be pricey, so you might want to check out these budget-friendly tips for keeping your skin hydrated and protected during the autumn season. If you have any additional tips for keeping your skin hydrated and protected in the colder months, don’t hesitate to leave a comment!