Are you a dog lover who can’t get enough of those floppy ears and wagging tails? If so, then you might want to consider starting your blog on the subject.

Pet owners, especially dog lovers are a special breed. They see the world through the eyes of their canine companion, and this unique insight is what makes them so special. As a dog blogger, you can build on your love of dogs by using it as inspiration for creating blog content. 

A blog is a great way to share your passion with others and build yourself an online following at the same time. However, there’s lots of competition out there, which means that coming up with something new and exciting is imperative if you want to stand out from the crowd. 

Whether you want to document the life of your dog or analyze various breeds from a professional point of view, there is an audience waiting for your insights into this lovable species.


How to start a blog

Blogging offers many benefits beyond making money from advertisements, and these benefits apply to dog owners as well. It can help you stay connected with friends and family, it can keep you from feeling isolated when you’re sick or depressed, and it can help you meet new people and make friends in your area. 

Blogging can also help you make money online, and it can give you the freedom to work from home.

But before you start brainstorming blog post ideas and potential topics, though, it’s useful to understand what makes a blog successful in the first place. Here are some useful tips that will help you decide whether or not starting your dog blog is the right decision for you.

1. Know your audience

At the heart of everything when it comes to blogging is connecting with your readers and knowing who they are. If you don’t know who you’re talking to, then chances are you won’t be able to make a connection in the first place. 

To get started, ask yourself some questions. What are the demographics of your readers? Are they primarily people in a certain age group? What gender do they tend to be? What are their interests and what kinds of things do they like to talk about online? 

Understanding these things will allow you to create a blog that is specifically tailored to your target audience. It will also help you avoid the mistake that many first-time bloggers make: writing for yourself instead of your readers.

2. Create content that inspires and educates

Dog blogs make the most of the human-dog connection to inspire and educate readers. The topics you cover could range from how to find the right dog for your family to how to care for dogs with specific conditions, or the perfect dog food, dog treats, finding the right dog trainer and many more. 

Tailoring your content to meet the needs of a specific audience ensures that you will engage readers who are looking for information in your niche. 

You can also write about pet blog post ideas with inspirational messages that show the strong bond between people and dogs. If you write about a specific dog breed, you can also share interesting facts about the dogs, like how many are in shelters or how many are service dogs.

3. Select the platform you want to use

While all blogging platforms let you create a blog, some are designed specifically for dog bloggers. Specialty platforms like pet blog forums and dog blogs allow you to connect with other pet bloggers and share your expertise with readers. 

Other platforms, such as Medium and WordPress, have communities that welcome pet blogging. Some platforms even have specific pet blogging categories or special tools for pet bloggers. 

If you’re just getting started, you can also use a general blogging platform that can be easily transformed into a dog blog later on. You may also want to consider a hosted solution that includes prewritten content. This can help you get your blog up and running more quickly without having to do all of the writing yourself.

4. Come up with a name for your blog

Before you get too far into building your blog, you’ll need to come up with a name. Your blog name will play a big role in attracting followers, so you want to make sure it’s memorable and reflects your blog’s content. 

Dog names and breed names are popular blog names because they’re related to dogs and can be used for any type of blog. Once you have a few potential blog names, you can do a domain search to see if they’re available. If they are, you can use a tool like Namechk to find out how much it would cost to buy the domain. You can also conduct a poll to get feedback from friends and family members.

5. Decide on your blogging schedule

While many dog bloggers write on a daily or weekly basis, you can tailor your blog schedule to fit your life.

If you have a full-time job and a busy family, you can still blog weekly by setting aside a few hours on the weekends. If you want to go the daily route, you can set up your blog so that new posts are automatically published at the same time every day. 

After you’ve decided on a blogging schedule, you can use a calendar to keep track of your posts and promote them on social media. You can also use a calendar to plan out posts in advance so that you don’t have to worry about missing a deadline.

6. Choose your editorial calendar

A blog editorial calendar is an editorial calendar that is specific to blogging. It helps you keep track of your content and promotes your blog. And it also makes sure that you don’t miss any blogging deadlines. 

7. Write about trending topics related to dogs

Dogs are a popular topic in the news as well as on social media. You can write about trending topics related to dogs to make your blog more engaging. You can write about a dog-related news story or pet-friendly events that you find particularly interesting or write a blog post based on the latest memes on social media. One way to stay up to date with dog-related news and social media is to follow a pet-related news outlet or subscribe to your favourite pet-related social media pages. This way, you’ll be able to find topics for your blog that your readers will find interesting.

8. Hold contests to engage your readers

One way to engage your readers is to hold a contest on your blog. You’re able to do this by writing a post about your contest and then adding a link at the end of your blog so readers can sign up for the contest. You can ask readers to submit photos of their pets, write blog posts about their dogs, or even draw sketches of their dogs! 

No matter what contest you decide to host on your blog, one thing is for certain – readers will be interested in signing up for it. This is because contests are a great way for readers to feel more connected with one another.

9. Add photos, graphics and videos to your blog

The best pet blogs are visually engaging, and one of the best ways to do this is with photos and videos. 

If you own a dog, you can take photos of it and post them to your blog as a way to connect with readers and share your life with them. You can also use visual content to illustrate posts, such as how certain dog breeds would look in your home or how specific breeds respond to certain dog training methods. 

Many blogging platforms now offer image and video hosting, so you don’t have to worry about hosting these files on your computer. This can save you time, and it can help you get more readers by engaging them with visual content.


In summary

Blogging is a great way to turn your passions into profit. If you’re a dog-lover and want to turn your love for animals into a career, then starting a dog blog is a great place to start. 

A blog is a great marketing tool and can be used to promote your business or product. It’s also a great way to connect with your readers and provide them with the information they need. 

To come up with an awesome blog idea, it’s important to know your audience, come up with a content strategy, and pick your topics and hooks. This will help you to maintain a consistent blogging schedule and keep your readers coming back for more!

Start creating your blog now!