Did you know that co-sleeping can help your baby sleep better, longer, and more soundly? It’s true! By letting your little one sleep in your bed or on a nearby co-sleeping mattress, you’ll be able to respond to their cries more quickly while they snooze. Plus, since they’re so close by, it will be easier for them to go back to sleep when you aren’t there watching over them. 

But what does all of this have to do with creating the perfect co-sleeping bedroom for your child? Well, if you want to help your baby get as much rest as possible in the short time that they are in your home, then an optimized sleeping space is necessary. Here are 5 things you should consider when configuring the ideal co-sleeping bedroom for both you and your little one.

1. Create a safe bedroom for co-sleeping

As you create the perfect co-sleeping bedroom for your child, you also want to make sure that it’s safe and secure in every way. The room should be clean and free of allergens, dust, and other harmful particles, such as lead from paint. In addition, you’ll want to make sure that the temperature is comfortable for both you and your child. This may mean going with a space heater in the winter or an air conditioner in the summer, as well as using blankets and other forms of insulation to stay warm or cool as needed. 

Aside from the physical aspects of your bedroom, you also want to take steps to ensure that your child feels safe and secure while co-sleeping. This means not only keeping a watchful eye on them but also being sure to follow all of their cues and being ready to comfort them if they need it.

2. Use a co-sleeping friendly mattress

For starters, the mattress you use for co-sleeping needs to be extra cushioned so that it can support the weight of two people without causing unnecessary pain or discomfort. You might also want to look for a hypoallergenic mattress that prevents dust mites, mould spores, and other allergens from growing and thriving on the surface. 

A great co-sleeping mattress also provides the right level of firmness, as you and your child will be sharing the same space. Ideally, you want to look for a mattress that has a combination of coils and springs for maximum support. Foam mattresses are also a great option, especially since they tend to be lightweight and easily portable.

3. Make the room cosier

You will likely be spending a lot of time in this room with your child, so it should be as comfortable and cosy as possible. One thing you can do is go with a wider and softer bed frame so that it is easier to get in and out of the bed. 

In addition, a nice, comfy duvet can make all the difference, as can some decorative pillows. 

Lighting is another consideration, especially since many people tend to sleep better in a room that is a bit darker. To that end, you might want to look for an adjustable lamp, as well as curtains that suit your tastes and preferences.

4. Install a co-sleeping safety rail

It’s important to always follow your child’s lead when it comes to co-sleeping, but it’s also important to be safe about it. This means setting up a safety rail to prevent your child from rolling out of bed. 

Of course, you may want to modify the setup based on your child’s size and age. For example, a safety rail could be anything from a beanbag to a special piece of furniture designed to keep your child in one place. 

Another safety feature you may want to consider is a breathable mattress cover, which lets air flow through while preventing allergens and bedbugs from crawling up the mattress.

5. Install night lights

Another important factor in creating a safe and secure co-sleeping bedroom is the use of night lights. You want these lights to be soothing and calm, but not too bright to disturb your child as they are falling asleep or trying to get some rest. 

You can also choose to go with sound-activated lights, which will turn on as soon as your child begins to cry or make some other noise. This may help to reassure your child, as well as alert you that they need some attention.

6. Decorated with child-friendly artwork

Along with the use of soft fabrics, warm colours, and other decor elements, you may also want to consider hanging up some artwork. This could be anything from a framed picture to a simple poster or sign, but it should be something that appeals to children. This way, your child has something to look at, enjoy, and possibly learn from during their time in your room.

7. Offer a variety of comforting sounds

Another important aspect of creating the perfect co-sleeping bedroom is choosing the right sounds to play in the background. This could be anything from nature sounds to white noise, though you may want to go with something that appeals to your child. For example, if your child is younger, you may want to use soothing music, while older kids may respond better to sound effects or other types of noises designed to distract them.

8. A place for everyone to stretch out

You may want to set up a small area in your bedroom where you and your child can stretch out and relax. This could be a small bed, a futon, or even a comfy rug, as long as it is close enough to the main bed for everyone to feel safe and secure. This way, you and your child have a place to rest when needed, but you can also easily get back in bed when it’s time to go to sleep.

9. Keep a watchful eye with baby monitors

Even though you and your child are in the same house, it’s still important to keep an eye on them. This is where baby monitors come in, as they allow you to hear what is going on in the room while keeping your child feeling safe and secure. 

When choosing a baby monitor, you may want to go with one that has two-way communication so that you can speak to your child when needed. You may also want to look for a baby monitor that comes with a night light and sound-activated LEDs, as these can help to ensure your child is okay when it is dark.


A final note

When you bring your child home from the hospital, you may feel as if your home has been taken over by a tiny dictator. It’s important to stand your ground and adhere to your parenting style, but it’s also important to make your child feel as safe and secure as possible. This means creating a co-sleeping bedroom that offers everything your little one needs and wants, from a mattress to blankets and everything in between. 

A co-sleeping bedroom can provide your child with warmth, comfort, and security while also making them feel close to you and loved.