The ultimate guide to making your baby’s room look great from start to finish.


Are you in the process of planning your baby’s room? Do you feel as though it’s an overwhelming task? If so, you’re not alone. 

A baby’s first bedroom is a special moment that you want to cherish for years to come. And while it might not seem like it now, this room will become your baby’s cosy haven for many years to come. That is why, as parents, we should do everything in our power to make sure that the room is not only functional but also super cute and comfortable.

But for some, creating a nursery space from scratch can feel like a daunting project. You need to plan out the aesthetics and functionality of the room, all while staying on a budget and keeping your sanity. Fortunately, with some planning and preparation beforehand, designing your baby’s room can be stress-free and fun. 

To get you started on the right track, we’ve compiled an ultimate guide on how you can give your baby’s room a makeover from start to finish in no time at all. From picking the perfect paint colours and furniture pieces to adding some personal touches with DIY projects – read on for everything you need to know when making over your little one’s bedroom.


1. Assign a budget

During the planning process, assign a budget to each item that you need for the nursery. You’ll be able to see where you’re spending your money and if you’re staying within your budget. Creating a budget will also help you to determine how much you can spend on each item. This will assist you in staying within your budget for the room.

2. Create a vision before you begin shopping

Before you start shopping for items for your baby’s room, create a vision for the room. What do you want the room to look like? Are you going for a specific style? Before you start shopping, decide what items you want in the room. This will prevent you from buying items that you don’t need. It will also prevent you from overspending on items for the room. 

You’ll be able to stay within your budget and purchase items that you need. This will also help you to save time when shopping because you won’t feel overwhelmed. You’ll be able to shop more efficiently and quickly.

3. Shop for the best deals

Before shopping for your baby’s nursery items, create a budget. Next, create a list of all the items that you need for the room. From there, you can shop around online and in stores. Keep an eye out for sales and deals. You can sign up for email newsletters from stores that you’re interested in to get notified when there are sales and deals. You can also download apps that can help you find deals in your area.

4. Decide on paint and wall art

Once you’ve created a vision for the room, decide on the paint colour and wall art that you want in your baby’s room. You can create a cohesive look in the room by choosing a colour palette and wall art that goes with it. 

For example, if you’re going for a more neutral look, consider a grey or tan paint colour with black and white wall art. If you’re going for an eclectic look, consider a blue paint colour with a variety of wall art that matches the colour scheme. No matter what theme or colour scheme you choose for the room, you can always incorporate a variety of wall art and paint colours to create a cohesive look.

5. Hire professionals for installation and setup

Whether it’s wall art, curtains, rugs or furniture, hiring professionals to install your baby’s nursery items can be worth it. Depending on the item and your style, it may be worth it to hire a professional to hang your wall art or to get curtains professionally hemmed. 

If you’re going to hire a professional to attach shelves to the wall, make sure that they are using safe installation practices. For example, make sure that they are drilling into the studs in the wall, rather than the drywall itself. 

If you’re installing a crib or other furniture items, hiring professionals to not only assemble the furniture but to place the furniture in the room for you can be worth it. This will allow you to focus on designing the aesthetics of the room.

6. Decide on the furniture pieces

Depending on your baby’s age and stage in development, you’ll need to choose furniture that is both practical and safe. For example, when your baby is still in the infant stage, you’ll likely want to go with a simple playpen. Later, you can transition to a crib, once your child can start sleeping in a regular bed. 

When it comes to nursery furniture, there are a ton of different styles to choose from. Some parents might want to go with a modern, minimalist look, whereas others might prefer a vintage or rustic design. It all depends on your personal preference and the look you want to achieve with the rest of the room. 

Keep in mind that you might want to mix and match different types of furniture to avoid creating an overly cluttered look. For example, you can go with a modern gliding crib and then balance it out with a rustic dresser and rocking chair.

7. What kind of bed is best?

Once your child is old enough to transition to a regular bed, you’ll want to think about investing in a good-quality mattress. You want to make sure it is comfortable and doesn’t pose any health risks, especially for your baby’s growing and delicate body. Apart from the mattress, you also want to make sure that the bed frame and bed sheets are safe for your child. For a baby, it is best to have a low and very sturdy bed frame, like a mini crib. As for the sheets, it is best to go with breathable fabrics, like a jersey or a percale.

8. Add storage with shelving and cabinets

When designing your baby’s nursery, you’ll want to include storage in the room. This will allow you to stay organized and find items easily. You can consider adding shelving above the crib or a wall unit with cabinets to keep items like diapers, baby wipes, and blankets organized. You can also add a bookshelf to the room to display books and keepsakes. This will keep the room looking nice and tidy, while also adding functionality.

9. Add comfort with rugs and curtains

Another way to make the room more comfortable for your baby is to add rugs and curtains to the room. Rugs can be used for playtime and for tummy time. They can also be used to designate areas of the room like the play area or sleeping area. You can also add curtains to the windows of the room to provide privacy and a soft and comfortable feel to the room.

10. Don’t forget to include soft seating

Another item that you may want to include in your baby’s room is some type of soft seating. Whether you’re going for a specific look or just want something functional and comfortable, you’ll want to include seating in the room. 

You can choose from a variety of seating options such as a glider, rocking chair, swivel stool, or ottoman. These items can be used for feeding, reading, or cuddling your baby. They can also be used for playtime.

11. Incorporate lighting that soothes the baby’s senses

The baby will feel safe and soothed when they see consistent lighting in their room. You can choose lighting that provides a soft glow, mimicking the sun. This will help your baby sleep better. You can choose specific light bulbs or you can also add light shades or curtains to the windows to control the light in the room.

12. Add a bit of décor and personal touches

When you’re finishing up the finishing touches on the rest of the room, there are a few things you can do to add a personal touch and make the whole experience even more memorable. 

If you want, you can create a personalized alphabet wall decal to go above your child’s crib. You can also create a personalized pillow or blanket by simply sewing letters or a pattern on the item, or even embroidering them. Another excellent idea is to frame old photos of your family and put them on the wall, preferably in a spot that is visible from the crib and can be seen by your child.

13. Add DIY Projects

One of the best ways to add a personal touch to your baby’s room is by doing a few DIY projects, such as a hanging mobile or DIY wall art. There are a ton of ideas out there that you can turn into unique and adorable décor items. Besides the fact that you’ll save yourself a good chunk of money, DIY projects are also a great way to engage with your partner and baby and create memories to last a lifetime.

You can add a few DIY projects to the room that are meaningful to you and your families, such as a DIY mobile made out of your family photos or a handmade quilt that you can make out of your old t-shirts. These will help you create a room that your baby will love for years to come. You can also add a few decorative elements to the room, such as wall art and a few pieces of furniture or décor that are functional at the same time, such as a wall shelf or a bookshelf. This way, you will be able to make the furniture pieces in the room serve two purposes, which will help you create a functional yet aesthetically pleasing room.

14. Decide on the flooring

There are a few factors you’ll want to think about when choosing the flooring for your baby’s room. For instance, if you’re going with a wood floor, you’ll want to make sure you put down a good rug to avoid any accidents. 

If you’re going with tiles or hardwood, you’ll want to put down rugs or a carpet as well to avoid slipping and/or your baby scratching their delicate skin as they crawl around. If you’re going with softer flooring like a rug, you can choose a pattern or texture that is safe for your baby and easy to clean. That way, you won’t have to worry about stains or anything of the sort.

15. Don’t forget the ceiling!

Remember that the ceiling is part of the design of the room as well. You can paint or stain the ceiling or you can add a patterned or striped fabric to the ceiling. This will help to tie the design of the room together.


Final thoughts

Designing your baby’s room can be fun and exciting. It’s a space where you can create exactly what you want. You can choose the aesthetics and functionality of the room. You can decide how you want the room to look, how you want it to feel, and how you want it to smell. You can create a room that is perfect for your baby. 

Taking the time to plan out your baby’s nursery will not only save you time and stress, but it will also help you budget your money. You can create a beautiful space for your little one that they will love and enjoy in the process.